Get Healthy And Get Covered

by | Feb 19, 2015 | Insurance

Changes in the health care laws are requiring people to get insured. If you do not have medical insurance because in your mind you just do not get sick enough to warrant it then you are really taking a big chance with your bank accounts. The cost of health care is at an all-time high and if you are paying out of pocket for care then you can quickly find your savings being drained. There are a number of methods to get yourself covered from state sponsored sites to private health insurance companies in St. Augustine area to third party insurance agents who can work as a go between, between you and a bigger coverage agency. Whatever it is you decide to do just get covered for your own protection. You owe it to yourself to be protected. It is better to be covered and not need it then need it and not have it.

Employers Can Also Help You Get Covered

A lot of employers offer health insurance through their companies. This is probably the easiest way to get medical coverage if you do not want to get your own private policy. This can be a pretty easy decision as the whole process of paying for your coverage is simply added onto your pay stub and is deducted by paycheck without you ever having to do anything at all. Truth is that many of us are not covered for one reason or another and that fact is a problem for many states and they end up footing the bill for those who cannot pay theirs. In turn, that means that your tax dollars are going to cover the uninsured and while this is a nice sentiment it would be much better spent if it was used to help them get fully covered. It would be like teaching the man to fish instead of just giving him one. Do you follow that train of thought?

Employers Should Offer Coverage

If you own a business and you do not have a policy on offer to your employees you should consider pricing one out to see how much it would cost to do so. There are many types of plans available to be had and it is an attractive feature to offer potential employees. Having and offering something that the competition does not can give you a leg up on filling your workforce quicker and more efficiently. So when it comes down to it you should cover your people as that insurance might be the very reason they stay with you.