Everyone who owns a recreational vehicle needs an RV insurance policy. This kind of policy is different from regular auto insurance coverage so it is important to know what to look for before you purchase one. While your RV is on the road, you need a liability policy. This provides coverage for any damage that you cause with your vehicle. You may be familiar with liability coverage from your experience with automobile insurance and homeowner’s insurance. It works similarly with RV insurance except you only need to have it while your RV is in use. If you only drive it on vacation, you don’t need to pay for a year-round liability policy.
However, if you live in your RV, you need a different kind of insurance policy to protect your investment. In addition to a liability policy, you need comprehensive and collision coverage to protect you against serious financial losses whether your RV is damaged in a crash or a storm or if you are a victim of theft. When you use your recreational vehicle as your primary residence, there is a good chance that you have property worth a considerable amount of money inside. Your RV Insurance in San Jacinto CA should cover your personal property inside your vehicle as well as the RV itself.
You’ll also need personal injury protection when you drive your RV. This kind of protection will cover the medical expenses of anyone who is riding in your RV if they are injured while you are on the road. Personal injury protection is a lot like the liability portion of your homeowner’s insurance. It protects you financially if a friend, family member or other guest is hurt while they are on your RV.
If you use your RV full time, you may consider adding a policy that covers your housing expenses if your RV is damaged and needs to go to a shop for repairs. By adding this to your RV Insurance in San Jacinto CA you can save money if you have to stay in a hotel while your equipment is getting repaired. Contact Speedway Insurance to find out more about getting an insurance policy that covers your RV and protects your finances while you travel.